Saturday's Stuff I Like
And it's back!
On Monday I ordered the Lise Watier and Alex collection and I got it yesterday! Yay for fast shipping! I haven't played with it yet, I'm thinking of maybe doing a first impression video. We shall see!
Has it ever happened to you to wish a totally random song would play on the radio and then BAM! It does! Well, this happened this afternoon while I was at work. All of a sudden, I wanted to hear Rick Astley's Together Forever. Cheesy yes, but I like it when I hear it and today was even more special. It felt like I was having a telepathic connection with something out there!
Besides that I heard a lot of 80's and 90's music today on the radio on various stations and I always like to sing along. Maybe you wouldn't want to be in my car with me. Nor with my friend Mel, we like to crank the volume and sing our hearts out!
The kittens that I talked about a while ago are still afraid, they disappear every time I'm going to see them :( But one of them is really playful and I swing a piece of string with a ball at her and she sniffed my hand today and let me pet her a little.
Tonight I'm going to sip on some wine and watch Annika Bengtzon! I didn't know this film series but catch it last week. Tonight is the last one. If like me, you like scandinavian crime series and thrillers, you probably want to watch that too!
Have a good weekend ladies!