My Love for Superstore


God, I love Superstore! You've probably already guessed by the title and some other posts I have done in the past. 

My "local" Superstore is a 2 hour-drive away, in New-Brunswick. That's Canada for you, even so when you live in a remote area, like I do. I go there about once a month, and ever time I go, I always seem to grab some ridiculously good deals.

(For those of you in the UK, Superstore is similar to ASDA. It is a big chain of supermarket, but they also sell books, clothes, homeware,etc.)

Latest deal was those 2 books. I wanted to get the third installment of Bridget Jones, Mad About the Boy, since it came out, but I didn't want to fork 30$ for a hardback. And that was at Wal-Mart, where they usually have discount on the cover price, but they didn't.

So back to Superstore. Last week, I went there and I didn't specifically find any beauty deals worth mentioning (or buying). So I ventured in their new book aisle. Saw the copy of Bridget Jones, with a 40% off sticker. Great! Went to scan it to see how it would turn out (crappy at mental maths). 12$. Not bad. So I went to the cashier to pay for my book and she annonces me $6,11! I don't say a word, but I'm chuffed. Got out of the store, but thought: "Wait a minute. Maybe the Revenge Wears Prada is also discounted at checkout. Let's see!" And off I go in again, and grabbed the book, proceed to checkout and asked the cashier how much this will cost. $6,12! Score!

So now I have two new books for half the price of one. Isn't it wonderful?

You can check out other Superstore finds I got here.

Do you like Superstore? Where is your favourite place to shop?

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  1. Quoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6$ un livre?! J'ai pas trop compris le calcul (je comprends absolument rien aux maths ahahahah) mais wow!!! Et je savais même pas qu'on avait un Superstore au Canada!!! Je sais où m'arrêter pendant mon roadtrip ahahah

  2. J'suis pas trop portée sur les maths non plus, mais ca scannait a 12$ et qq. C'est comme si a la caisse yavait 50% du prix réduit déja de 40%! Oui, les Superstore, ca fait partie du groupe Loblaws. Ca change de nom dépendant des provinces, dans l'Ouest c'était The Real Canadian Superstore et au N-B cest The Atlantic Superstore ;)

  3. Love your blog!


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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