Saturday's Stuff I Like
18:31:00I'm just a sucker for cute linings |
I had a hard week last week and I didn't post a SSIL post. But I'm back on track!
On Wednesday we went to the weekly outdoor concert and the band was really good. They were playing a variety of genres and the place was packed with people. I also won one of their tshirts that the singer threw in the public!
I love the feeling of opening my emails or Facebook and saying : "Oh so and so will have written to me" before actually seeing their messages. I think my intuition is coming back!
Yesterday was my mum's birthday. I had planned a few things but you know how it is! You have to hide to do last minutes details and she was really sneaky! "Why do you need the car for?" "When are you coming back?" And every reply you give is not enough, and you just don't want to expand on the subject when it's for surprises!
Today I sat down after work and opened up a Corona. I'm on my second right now. Sometimes a good beer is what you need!
I'm almost finished with my Edith Piaf biography. I enjoyed reading this a lot, it has given me the kick to get back into reading. I also have a few other biogs lined up. I think it is important to know about historic people that everyone knows without really knowing them. I mean by that that we know that Edith Piaf was a French singer during the early 20th century, but unless we lived in that period, it seems so far from our lives now.
Do you have good intuition? Is there any time that you said something and then it happened right there?