June Empties


Another empties post! This month is an ok month, I haven't finished a lot, but I also haven't bought a lot. So I guess we can say it's an even month!

Veet Suprem' Essence Hair Removal Cream
This tub was huge and I wouldn't have bought it without the $2 off coupon as it is also expensive (above the $10 mark). It is a good hair removal cream, then again I usually like them. As with other creams, it has that nasty smell.

L'Oréal Ideal Balance Foaming Gel Cleanser
I bought this on clearance a while ago and it doesn't seem to be available anymore. It was ok, I liked it, but I try to go for more natural skincare now, so I wouldn't have repurchased it.

Blue Lagoon Iceland Silica Mud Mask
I got this sample size in a subscription box. This one is also ok, I wouldn't purchase the full size as it is so expensive!

Softsoap Spa Radiant Body Wash
I got this free with a liquid soap refill. I liked this, but the scent is not really my type. But in general I like Softsoap products.

Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Shampoo and Conditoner
I also got those in a subscription box. They were ok, not great. I feel they left my hair greasier than normal. So I won't purchase this.

So there you have it, June Empties. They are quite boring! But they're finished 9 gone!

What have you finished this month?

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  1. Oui haha blue lagoon expensive tu dis, ouff :)) Comme ça Fekkai c'est pas mieux que ça..bon à savoir :)

  2. J'ai fait une méga réaction d'eczema à ces affaires-là de Veet alors j'ai tout donné, avant de commencer ma desintox. C'est tellement chimique, j'ai peur de les utiliser à nouveau même lorsque je serai guérie! Mais c'est vrai qu'ils fonctionnent vraiment bien.

  3. Ah non! Je sais que c'est tellement chimique, mais jsuis tellement poilue! J'arrive a faire de quoi avec l'épilateur si jattends pas trop mais sinon, cest trop long et ca fait trop mal...

  4. C'est pour les riches lol! Pour fekkai jpeux pas dire pour les autres sortes, mais Brilliant Glossing, bof.

  5. Thanks Sheri! Have you found some good ones yet?


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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