Best of the Web #9
A few months ago, I told you about Mathhew Hussey's book Get the Guy. Matthew Hussey is a dating coach, but also a private life coach. In the past few weeks, he started to get his life advice mainstream, and I love it! I think most of what he says is realatable and doable. I mean, that most times, gurus like this tell you to "visualize" or anything that is really not concrete. Matthew gives us stuff to think about, but he also walks the talk. Lately he has been bashed for one of his video, but he came back with a veangeance, telling us Why We Should be More Like Kanye West.
Hayleigh is an American all-around artsy girl living in Paris. Not too long ago she was in Barcelona and she captured her days in a sweet video, Barcelona Video Diary. I've been in Barcelona a few years ago, and I can say she did a good job at capturing the bright Spanish sunlight!
One thing I love about Kimberly's blog SwoonWorthy is her use of bold colours. In last Sunday's post, she tells us her tips on How to Decorate Fearlessly! Not for the nude girls!
I was just surprised that a robot (yes!) will hitchhike all acrosse Canada this summer! What a cool experience! HitchBOT will start his journey in Halifax on July 27th, and hopefully will make it to Victoria. I would love to see him on the road!
We all want to love our life. I came across Marc and Angel's Hack Life article about 23 Things People Who Love Their Lives Do Differently. When you are stuck in a rut, it is useful to try to see from aother points of view and this article will make you think about brighter days!
Have you read any good articles this week?