
Spring Cleaning: Going "au naturel"!


Next step on my Spring Cleaning is to let my skin breath a little bit. I usually wouldn't need do that as a Sppring Cleaning because I didn't have problems with my skin before. And I usually didn't put foundation on a daily basis.

But since September, I had a bout of acne that didn't want to go. Every time it looks like it was going to clear out, another spot appeared. Even the usual products I use to get rid of spots didn't seem to fully work. And the more I thought about them, the more they grew. Urrgggggggggg! Talk about being in a rut!

Totally naked! (Makeupwise)
Once in a while I would cover it with foundation, but since after Christmas, it seems that the "once in a while" became everyday. I knew it wasn't good, but it seemed that I never really have a day I could just hide myself without having to put foundation on. It didn't help that I was zealous in trying to finish a certain foundation. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that my skin was in the worst condition it ever been. After trying to pinpoint which product was the culprit, I can now finally say which one it is. And I'm glad it's one I hated! I just wanted to finish it, but it seems that it's just not worth it.

It's now my fifth day without makeup (except for yesterday. I cheated as I was meeting with new people and didn't want to scare them off!). The above picture was taken on Saturday. I now have 1-2 active spots, the other ones are scarring. I still use my Chinese Miracle cream to help heal during the day and Bio-Oil at night. Hopefully the scars will be gone this week or next one!

And now, as I understand watching a pic of someone with zits is not really a nice thing, I leave you with one of me and one of my dad's horses, Yong Lady! She is the most cuddly horse we have, always looking to be noticed or licking my back!

Hahaha! What a good girl! 

What is your worst skin problem? What do you do to fix it?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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