
Guys Guys Guys #3: The Case of the Modern Hippy


We Heart It

Modern Hippy is a guy who has been "courting" me for a few weeks now. Even though he was so not my type, I decided to give him a chance, just to see if I could broaden my horizons a little bit. People say I'm a fussy girl, so I decided to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.

Modern Hippy is a guy who lives with 4 roommates, in a hippyesque house (think didgeridoos, quotes in Spanish everywhere and cooperation posters) in the countryside outside my village. They cook together, make their own granola cereals together, go out together,  they do everything together. I later found out that they are so fusional it's scary.

Modern Hippy is not a typical looking hippy. He may fool you, looking like what Homer Simpson calls a party dude. Having short hair even! Modern Hippy is modern,  as he owns a jeep (filled with his hockey paraphernalia), a ski-doo, uses a tablet and is pretty sporty (snowboard, hockey, etc).

What I liked about Modern Hippy is that he is kind of a go-getter, and after we met at a brunch right away invited me for dinner later in the week. Finaly, a manly man! I have only met wussies in the last while, and seriously it got me thinking "How do the human specie will survive?".

Well, we got dinner together and then a week later I was having a date with him after he came back from a week away. You kind of know where this is going. Me, beauty blogger (the one who spent around 100$ on nail polishes at Sephora) getting ready and actually doing too much (even though I did tame it down in regards to Modern Hippy). Heck! I wanted to wear my new minty skinny jeans! And my new scarf! A reason to dress up. Good!

Modern Hippy came knocking at my door. Looking not too shaby. Then asked me: "You know what? My roommates haven't seen me in a while and they're happy to see me. Do you mind if we stay home and play board games with them instead of going out?"

I couldn't believe it. You're taking a girl out. She's not interrested in dating your friends (nor your parents). Not now. This is not what was planned.

I was actually thinking: "No way! I dressed up! I made an effort! I spent hours to preen myself! I want to be seen! I didn't dress up for your hippy friends!" And then I said: "Actually this is not what was planned, so I'm not interrested."

A good point for Modern Hippy is that we ended up going to the bar, like planned. He even acknowlegded  tha it was not a good move from his part. Well at least he's aware now.

This got me thinking that even though it's essential to open up your horizons, sometimes they're there for a reason. I guess dating a Modern Hippy was stretching my comfort zone a tad too much.

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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