

I have been a bad blogger lately. Part of it is due to my going back to Canada, to visit friends and family. I also had a few technical difficulties. But now I finally have Internet on my own laptop and not my mum's (notice how you cannot function on someone else's computer?)

I arrived last week, staying in Quebec City at my friend Mel's place for a few days. She threw me a party on Friday and we also went out. I almost got into a cat fight with a girl, I have to say it would've been my fault but it feels so good to be outspoken in French! Anyway, it makes up for good memories!

I am now at my parent's place. They have this massive property which is also a ranch; I will try to post pictures of that! My mum says my dad is Dr Doolittle, they have so many animals and they all cling to him!

Anyway, in the next few posts I will have:
-Hauls (lots of it, I shopped til I dropped)! I went to Bath & Body Works!!!
-Weight loss update
-Shopping my stash at my parent's (yep, long seen makeup...I don't mind)

What are you girls been up to?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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