Tried and Tested: Easiest Glitter Nail Polish Remover Ever!


A few weeks ago, I saw this video by Say Anything Brooke on You Tube where she gives her tip to remove Glitter Nail Polish easily.

You can watch the video here:

This was perfect for the Holiday Season coming and I kept the tip in my memory! When I put on some insanely glittery nail polish (Nails Inc Shelton Street: this one is so glittery, the texture is like I put sand on my nails, if you know what I mean!), this was the time to try the tip Brooke was giving in her video.

Here is some before pictures:

And what it looks like meanwhile:


In her video, Brooke uses acetone as a remover, but she says that you can use normal nail polish remover. That is what I did. I also just took one pad for both hands, that I was soaking every other nail. It worked just fine. I would wait about 5 minutes for each nail, while watching reruns of New Year's Eve specials (Et Dieu créa... Laflaque, if you are from Québec, you know what this is!)

Here is a picture comparing a clean nail and a nail waiting to be cleaned!

And here is the final result!
I really like this tip! It is so efficient!

If you haven't watched any of Brooke's video, I suggest you do! She always has nice colorful makeup/nails!

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  1. Ah oui, j'ai vu quelques vidéos sur ce truc! Mais ça n'irait pas plus vite si tu enveloppais tous les doigts en même temps? Peut-être pas très pratique j'avoue ahah! Mais il me semble que c'est ce qu'ils faisaient dans les vidéos que j'ai vu. J'ai jamais essayé, je sais pas pourquoi ahah! Contente de voir que ça a marché pour toi!

  2. Oui, javoue, mais ca me tentait pas d'avoir tous les doigts enveloppés et de pas etre capable de faire autre chose! (Jai aussi joué au Skip-Bo ave mon pépa!)

  3. really neat! thanks for sharing the tips. and happy new year to you

  4. Thank yo for sharing, glitter is always a hassle to remove!

    P.S. I’m having a giveaway on my blog, check it out if you’d like:


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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