Tried and Tested: Easiest Glitter Nail Polish Remover Ever!
11:38:00A few weeks ago, I saw this video by Say Anything Brooke on You Tube where she gives her tip to remove Glitter Nail Polish easily.
You can watch the video here:
This was perfect for the Holiday Season coming and I kept the tip in my memory! When I put on some insanely glittery nail polish (Nails Inc Shelton Street: this one is so glittery, the texture is like I put sand on my nails, if you know what I mean!), this was the time to try the tip Brooke was giving in her video.
Here is some before pictures:
And what it looks like meanwhile:
In her video, Brooke uses acetone as a remover, but she says that you can use normal nail polish remover. That is what I did. I also just took one pad for both hands, that I was soaking every other nail. It worked just fine. I would wait about 5 minutes for each nail, while watching reruns of New Year's Eve specials (Et Dieu créa... Laflaque, if you are from Québec, you know what this is!)
Here is a picture comparing a clean nail and a nail waiting to be cleaned!
And here is the final result!
I really like this tip! It is so efficient!
If you haven't watched any of Brooke's video, I suggest you do! She always has nice colorful makeup/nails!