
My Fabulous Models Own Kit!


If you're in the United Kingdom, you have probably heard of this offer Fabulous magazine (inside News of the World) is having with Models Own! If not, click here for details!

Well, since you basically need to buy 2 times the News of the World paper (to get Fabulous, the Sunday magazine), for £1 each, i figured it was a good deal to get £24 worth of makeup for £2! My mum even ask me to get one for her as well!

So I grabed the paper, collected my tokens and headed for the participating Tesco. Once there, the Customer Service lady informed me that their location didn't have the makeup kits GRRRRR! So I made my way to the nearest participating Tesco (far far away from home!) But I finally managed to pick my much awaited Fabulous Models Own bag (and my mum's)!

Each kit contains: clear zippered bag, black mascara (6 ml), eyelash curler, eyeshadow duo in Goldie Rocks (2.5g), black eyeliner (3 ml) , tweezers, and 25% off online at modelsownit.com

Given they're all regular size products I consider this is a good offer!

If you have last week's or the week before's Fabulous, you can still pick up your Model's Own kit, provided you grab a copy of Next Sunday's News of the World!

Will you grab one?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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