Cellnique Products Review
13:58:00This autumn, I have been contacted by Cellnique to review a few of their products. After a few emails between me and Selina, she has been able to make some recommandations for me.
I have received the Skin Action Sebum Gel*, the Total DayTime Protection 30*, the Skin Purifying Masque* and a shopping bag.
So I was really excited to receive this and try them all! That is what I have been doing for over than three weeks now.
Skin Action Sebum Gel
I wanted to try a product that has a similar effect as a serum, and this one arrived just in time! This product is said to reduce blackheads and whiteheads, as well as sebum secretion. I have always had oily skin, and the promise of reducing my shine was enticing! When I received my parcel, I had a few zits, (I hadn't had this problem for a long time though) so I was eager to see what this product would do for that.
On their website, it says that the product smells of peppermint, but I smell the tea tree oil more. I do not mind this scent, as for me it means oil absorbing (this is just my brain working that way), but I have to admit that some people might be annoyed by that. The texture is silky and kinda gooey. But it is fast absorbed by the skin and has a cooling effect. I used this product just after cleansing my face, right before moisturizing it.
It didn't take long that my zits were dried out ( I think it might be due to the tea tree oil). I haven't noticed a lot of difference on how matte my skin is. I think it is more matte than before, but the big difference was in the zits dissapearing. I also tried it on my wrist, where I have an occasional rash and the morning after it was almost all gone.
Total Daytime Protection 30
I wanted to look for a facial sunblock, as lately I have been more aware of the damage the sun can do. But my idea of sunblock is of a really thick and greasy cream. I was thrilled to be able to try this particular product, as it is made fo the face, and has SPF 30.
The fist thing I like about this product is the smell, a nice powdery vanilla one. Texture-wise, it is creamy, non-greasy, just like a moisturizer. I used it just like a moisturizer, as I do not think my skin needs anymore after applying this. Dryer skin might want to use a moisturizer in combination though. Out of all three products I have tried, this one is my favorite, and I would repurchase it.
Skin Purifying Masque
This is the product I liked least. It is still a nice product, but I prefer other type of face masque. I wouldn't be able to describe the smell. The masque is not the kind that would stiffen in your face (those are the ones I like). It is a clear, gel like masque that dries sinking in your skin. The advantage is that you dont look as ridiculous if your roommates see you with it!
Overall, I like the products I have been trying. They do are on the pricey side, but I think a little goes a long way and it is finally not as expensive as you would think. I like the pumps on the Skin Action Sebum Gel and Total Daytime Protection 30, I think it is more hygenic than most skincare products I have tried before. I also like their description page on their website, it says how and when in your skincare routine to use you products.
Here are some before pictures:
And some after!
You can still see some older scars on the after pictures, and I am eager to see if it will reduce them in the long run!
Have you tried any Cellnique products?