The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
06:50:00Hello! A few weeks ago I was telling you about the new Stephenie Meyer book that was available to read for free on the Internet, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Well, this offer is not available anymore, but you the book has hit the shelves! In this post I am reviewing this book.
Well, first of all, I am not a fan of the Twilight serie. I had read the book, and saw the first movie. I will probably see the other movies at some point, because I don`t like starting something and not finishing it. So yeah, they got me with their series! (I finally read the last Harry Potter maybe three years ago...) But since I didn't like the serie, I will not put a penny to read it nor watch the movies. So if I have a chance to watch it for free, fine. Otherwise, it is not worth it!
So having the opportunity to read this book, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, for free, I jumped on it. Even though I am not a Twilight fan. I told myself: "Maybe it is better, we never know".
So I started reading it. Since it was an e-book, I had to read it on my computer. What a nuisance! It was my first time reading e-books. Let me tell you now that I don't like it! For me, the joy of reading a book is that you can do it anywhere! In the bus, on the Tube, during your lunchtime, etc. So I had to read it on my computer, and that sucked! Your eyes get also tired faster reading a computer screen than a book.
As for the book itself now. I actually enjoyed it more than the Twilight serie! The book is called a novella, which is a short novel. With 200 pages, I hardly call that a novella, but a novel. Anyway, knowing Stephenie Meyer's adoration for babbling in her novels, a 200 pages story IS a novella by her standards! (Jeez, her books are soooooooooooooooooooo long!!!!) The length of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner was more normal, and less boring.
Moving on to the characters. I also prefered those one! First of all, we already know that Bree is on the "wrong side". Therefore, we know that she has flaws. In a way, she is more human than Bella, which always appears to have no flaw at all, except her egocentrism.
Well, I think lots of die-hard Twilight lovers will prefer the original, as Bree doesn't contain as much sentimentality in it. Which is a good thing. While reading the Twilight serie, I was always banging my head at stupidities such as: "Ho Edward, I don't deserve you! You shouldn't be with me! And then Edward will throw a fit (ALWAYS!!!) "No Bella! I am the one not deserving you!" And so on for 600 pages.
I think that fans of Twilight will nevertheless like this book. And I also think that some people (like me) that were put off by Twilight can also enjoy it. An entertaining read.