Magazine Madness!
14:52:00Wow! There are always freebies in magazines here! As some of you may know, Glamour (UK) is giving away Benefits products this month! There are three to chose from: It stick, BAD gal and Eye Bright pnecils. The first one I bought was It stick, a eye "awakener".
But then I read blogs and how everyone was looking for the BAD Gal one (chunky eye pencil)! I am not that easily influenced usually, but as I was first tempted by it and didn't know which one to chose...
I went ahead and bought it! I won't buy the It Stick one, as I read that it is mainly for fair skin, and mine is olive. I also bought Company. I didn't know this one, but apparently it is a sister to Cosmo... The goodie in it is a Jackie Collins book. There are four to chose from and mine is The Bitch, which is a sequel to another book. I din't know that, because I don't know Jackie Collins, but the name made it sound cool... As I am planning a few trips in the next few weeks, this book will come in handy for the journeys!
There is also a kinky voucher at Ann Summers'! Hehe...