Magazine Madness!


Wow! There are always freebies in magazines here! As some of you may know, Glamour (UK) is giving away Benefits products this month! There are three to chose from: It stick, BAD gal and Eye Bright pnecils. The first one I bought was It stick, a eye "awakener".

But then I read blogs and how everyone was looking for the BAD Gal one (chunky eye pencil)! I am not that easily influenced usually, but as I was first tempted by it and didn't know which one to chose...

I went ahead and bought it! I won't buy the It Stick one, as I read that it is mainly for fair skin, and mine is olive. I also bought Company. I didn't know this one, but apparently it is a sister to Cosmo... The goodie in it is a Jackie Collins book. There are four to chose from and mine is The Bitch, which is a sequel to another book. I din't know that, because I don't know Jackie Collins, but the name made it sound cool... As I am planning a few trips in the next few weeks, this book will come in handy for the journeys!

There is also a kinky voucher at Ann Summers'! Hehe...

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  1. Salut "Bubu"!

    Merci pour tes comments sur mon blog! J'ai vu sur ton profil que tu venais de Québec, c'est cool, et très rare ici! Anyway, je suis maintenant membre de ton blog (=

    Pour les produits Annabelle, j'ai reçu un email de la responsable des relat5ions publiques qui m'a dit qu'elle lisait mon blog depuis un bout et qu'il était temps qu'elle m'écrive LOL. J'ai reçu beaucoup de trucs de plusieurs compagnies à tester. Je ne sais pas exactement comment les compagnies fonctionnent pour ça, mais elles doivent aller vers les blogs les plus populaires, les mieux écrits, je ne sais pas trop!

  2. Oui, c'est ce que je croyais. Beaucoup de compagnies font ca sur le Web, mais c'est la premiere fois que je voyais une compagnie de maquillage canadienne qui le faisait! Je suis contente pour toi, ca alimente le blog!


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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