The Me-Time Tag


Hey there! Today I have another tag for you, the Me-Time Tag! Since I started a new full time job last week and continue my part time one, I'm even more protective o my free time. I've always been, but now when I'm off, I'm off!

1. What do you like to watch or read during me-time?
I like to read crime novel or chick lit. Same goes for what I'm watching, in addition to YouTube videos! My favourite YouTubers are Alexfashionbeauty, EnjoyPhoenix, HelloOctober and I Covet Thee.

2. What do you wear during me-time?
My PJs. Here in Quebec we like to call it "mou", which means a soft and slack fabric.
3. What are your favourite me-time beauty products?
4.  Current favourite nail polish? 
I'm always using a different one, but I like Essies and Nails Inc.  

5. What do you eat or drink during me-time?
I like to eat chocolate and drink coffee. Coffee is especially important!
6. Current favourite candle?
I'm in a candle rut at the moment, I'm not really impressed with the ones I have right now, they smell good in the jar but don't really do anything when burning. I used to love the Bath and Body Works one and the Yankee Candles one, but not so much now.

7. Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Not really, but the other day I went to the beach and it was nice. Might have to do that more often.

8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
Yes, I did a few times in fact. There are no cinemas nearby though so I'm not going.
9. Favourite online shop?

10. Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
At my current job I have some down time and I either do crosswords or check Instagram!      

Let me know if you do the Tag, I'd like to read it!

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  1. ooo felicitation Stephanie pour ton nouvel emploi! Dans ton secteur ? xx

  2. Ben voyons, j'étais pourtant sure d'avoir répondu a ton commentaire... Excuse-moi, avec mon pas de technologie pendant un mois pis ma nouvel ordi a m'habituée j'suis ben mêlée!

    J'travaille dans un hôtel, je fais la réception et le bar!

  3. Lisa-Jane Andrews10 August 2015 at 15:39

    Love this I may do it x


I always like to get your comments and start a conversation :)

About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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